Visualization & Validation of a Startup in the Esports Industry
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SciTEP is an innovative startup focused on the detailed analysis of the physiological and cognitive parameters of esports players. This unique approach enables coaches and managers to identify players' strengths and weaknesses, optimizing their training and performance. As a result, SciTEP helps not only with the development of individual players but also with efficient scouting of new talents. Our company, DataSession, was involved from the inception of this project. We assisted with validating the idea, visualizing it, and creating the initial prototype.


Every project begins with a thorough collection of requirements and goals, and SciTEP was no exception. In the initial phase, we worked closely with the SciTEP team on identifying the key needs and goals of their product. Based on this, we created an ideal customer profile (ICP), which was a crucial step in better understanding the target audience. This process allowed us to tailor development specifically to the needs of players, coaches, and managers in the esports industry.

Methodology Validation

The SciTEP team developed a special methodology capable of analyzing a player's performance based on data collected from their mouse movements. This methodology first needed to be tested on a simple prototype. This prototype included shooting tests for players and subsequent automated analysis of the results with an export to a detailed PDF report.

We helped SciTEP implement this prototype using the no-code tool Construct3, which allowed for quick and efficient creation of interactive elements without the need for coding. The automated analysis was achieved through integrations with tools like Make, Google Drive, and Google AppScript. By combining these tools, we ensured easy data and report handling, making the testing process with professional players and result analysis smooth.

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Based on the gathered information, we moved on to the project's visualization. This phase included creating wireframes that determined the basic structure of the product. Our lead designer, David Ondroušek, then designed a visual interface that reflects modern trends in the esports environment and ensures maximum user-friendliness.

We prepared a clickable prototype in Figma, which helped us test the user experience and present it to potential clients.

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Landing page

An essential element of the project was the creation of a landing page, which serves not only as a presentation platform but also as a tool for gathering feedback and first interactions with potential users. We integrated a registration feature on the landing page, allowing users to sign up for project updates. The page was connected with analytical tools that enable tracking user interactions and identifying which sections of the page attract the most interest. This allows the team to optimize the content and structure based on real data.
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In addition to product development, we helped SciTEP secure funding. The team successfully applied for a JIC grant worth 800,000 CZK. Our support included the graphic, technical, and content preparation of the application and subsequent presentations. This grant is expected to facilitate further project development and accelerate the transition from prototype to the first functional product version (MVP).


Our work would not be complete without thorough validation of the outputs. We tested all created prototypes and designs with one of the top esports teams, SAMPI, as well as with players, coaches, and managers. The validation process included in-depth interviews, testing the clickable prototype in Figma, and focus groups with managers. Finally, we focused on validating the business model. We carefully reviewed and documented the conclusions from the workshop.

The results were very positive, especially regarding the product's visualization, which was appreciated not only by players but also by coaches and managers. This step was crucial feedback for us, confirming that SciTEP is heading in the right direction.

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Conclusion and results

SciTEP is a prime example of a project that DataSession helped from the initial idea to the creation of a functional prototype. The collaboration with the SciTEP team was enjoyable, and we are pleased to have been part of the birth of this exciting product. We believe they have great potential to succeed in the esports world. If you want to learn more about SciTEP, click on this link:
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